
Importation Process

  • JDM Cars with Small Engines & Turbos Can Save The Environment
    The more sporty Kei Cars and performance oriented JDMs have long used smaller engines combined with turbos, and for the power they produce they've always been quite efficient. It's time to turbo all cars in our view. Among other adjustments that could help double fuel economy are turbocharging with smaller, more efficient engines that produce the same level of power.   ======================================== How to Reduce Car-Made Pollut
  • What It Takes To Import Your JDM Dream Car/Vehicle From Japan
    General Requirements Here is a quick breakdown on the steps you need to follow to avoid problems and get the best quality car for your money. Research what vehicle best suits your needs and tastes. Make sure you will be able to make it comply with Canadian standards (more on this later in the article). Vehicle must be at least 15 years old to the month according to date of manufacture/production. Find a reliable and honest local Im
  • All About The Japanese Used Car Auctions
    There is a lot of hype and misinformation concerning how good or bad the Japanese Car Import Auctions are.There are also several different types of auctions. The ones we will cover here will include the more popular and perhaps more respected ones such as USS auctions. We do not recommend Yahoo auctions unless you have a friend or exporter who can physically check the car and in this case you would also have to place your trust entirely in them to make sure the mileage and conditio