
Importation Process

  • Directory List of JDM Cars Importers & Exporters
    JDM Vendor Lists Click here to add a company to our JDM Directory Please contact us on our forums and post any information you have about Vendor's that you want other people to know or if you have any positive or negative comments about them. Our list is not all inclusive but will be constantly growing and based on the information we've found about these vendors. We hope to event
  • All About The Japanese Used Car Auctions
    There is a lot of hype and misinformation concerning how good or bad the Japanese Car Import Auctions are.There are also several different types of auctions. The ones we will cover here will include the more popular and perhaps more respected ones such as USS auctions. We do not recommend Yahoo auctions unless you have a friend or exporter who can physically check the car and in this case you would also have to place your trust entirely in them to make sure the mileage and conditio