Currency Conversion - Keeping Track Of How Much JDM Car You Can Buy -

With world markets sliding each day (as of October 17th, 2008), whatever JDM car interests you will likely cost more.
We're posting this currency conversion tool so there are no surprises about the true cost of the car you are interested in purchasing.  Universal Currency Converter ®
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Universal Currency Converter under license from Terms of Use


currency, conversion, jdm, buywith, markets, sliding, october, posting, purchasing, xe, universal, converter, reg, convert, euro, eur, usd, kingdom, gbp, cad, japan, yen, jpy, australia, aud, rupees, inr, zealand, nzd, switzerland, francs, chf, rand, zar, currencies, afghanistan, afghanis, afa, albania, leke, algeria, dinars, dzd, argentina, pesos, ars, austria, schillings, ats, bahamas, bsd, bahrain, bhd, bangladesh, taka, bdt, barbados, bbd, belgium, bef, bmd, brazil, reais, brl, bulgaria, leva, bgn, cfa, bceao, xof, beac, xaf, chile, clp, yuan, renminbi, cny, colombia, comptoirs, fran, ccedil, ais, pacifique, costa, rica, colones, crc, croatia, kuna, hrk, cyprus, cyp, czech, republic, koruny, czk, denmark, kroner, dkk, deutsche, germany, dem, dominican, dop, dutch, netherlands, guilders, nlg, eastern, caribbean, xcd, egypt, egp, estonia, krooni, eek, fiji, fjd, finland, markkaa, fim, frf, ounces, xau, greece, drachmae, grd, holland, hong, kong, hkd, hungary, forint, huf, iceland, kronur, isk, imf, xdr, indonesia, rupiahs, idr, iran, rials, irr, iraq, iqd, ireland, iep, israel, shekels, ils, lire, itl, jamaica, jmd, jod, kenya, shillings, kes, korea, krw, kuwait, kwd, lebanon, lbp, luxembourg, luf, malaysia, ringgits, myr, malta, liri, mtl, mauritius, mur, mxn, morocco, dirhams, norway, nok, oman, omr, pakistan, pkr, palladium, xpd, peru, nuevos, soles, philippines, php, platinum, xpt, poland, zlotych, pln, portugal, escudos, pte, qatar, riyals, qar, romania, lei, rol, russia, rubles, saudi, arabia, sar, xag, singapore, sgd, slovakia, skk, slovenia, tolars, spain, pesetas, esp, sri, lanka, lkr, sudan, sdd, sweden, kronor, sek, taiwan, twd, thailand, baht, thb, trinidad, tobago, ttd, tunisia, tnd, lira, trl, arab, emirates, aed, venezuela, bolivares, veb, vietnam, dong, vnd, zambia, kwacha, zmk, metals, scroll,  Universal Currency Converter ®
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Universal Currency Converter under license from Terms of Use


currency, conversion, jdm, buywith, markets, sliding, october, posting, purchasing, xe, universal, converter, reg, convert, euro, eur, usd, kingdom, gbp, cad, japan, yen, jpy, australia, aud, rupees, inr, zealand, nzd, switzerland, francs, chf, rand, zar, currencies, afghanistan, afghanis, afa, albania, leke, algeria, dinars, dzd, argentina, pesos, ars, austria, schillings, ats, bahamas, bsd, bahrain, bhd, bangladesh, taka, bdt, barbados, bbd, belgium, bef, bmd, brazil, reais, brl, bulgaria, leva, bgn, cfa, bceao, xof, beac, xaf, chile, clp, yuan, renminbi, cny, colombia, comptoirs, fran, ccedil, ais, pacifique, costa, rica, colones, crc, croatia, kuna, hrk, cyprus, cyp, czech, republic, koruny, czk, denmark, kroner, dkk, deutsche, germany, dem, dominican, dop, dutch, netherlands, guilders, nlg, eastern, caribbean, xcd, egypt, egp, estonia, krooni, eek, fiji, fjd, finland, markkaa, fim, frf, ounces, xau, greece, drachmae, grd, holland, hong, kong, hkd, hungary, forint, huf, iceland, kronur, isk, imf, xdr, indonesia, rupiahs, idr, iran, rials, irr, iraq, iqd, ireland, iep, israel, shekels, ils, lire, itl, jamaica, jmd, jod, kenya, shillings, kes, korea, krw, kuwait, kwd, lebanon, lbp, luxembourg, luf, malaysia, ringgits, myr, malta, liri, mtl, mauritius, mur, mxn, morocco, dirhams, norway, nok, oman, omr, pakistan, pkr, palladium, xpd, peru, nuevos, soles, philippines, php, platinum, xpt, poland, zlotych, pln, portugal, escudos, pte, qatar, riyals, qar, romania, lei, rol, russia, rubles, saudi, arabia, sar, xag, singapore, sgd, slovakia, skk, slovenia, tolars, spain, pesetas, esp, sri, lanka, lkr, sudan, sdd, sweden, kronor, sek, taiwan, twd, thailand, baht, thb, trinidad, tobago, ttd, tunisia, tnd, lira, trl, arab, emirates, aed, venezuela, bolivares, veb, vietnam, dong, vnd, zambia, kwacha, zmk, metals, scroll,
