Auto House Japan Review -

Auto House Japan
Website Link: JP
Province: NA
City: Yamaguchi
Address: 2-15-3 Koizumi, Shunan
Phone: +81 834 64 2970
Description From Their WebSite:
is a Japan-based company, is operated by Manabu Hirohata, a native Japanese, who has been involved in the automotive field for 21 years.
started as a government authorized Licenced Used-Car Dealer in 1993, now with 14 years experience as car auction agens.
is a member of the Japan Used Motor Vehicle Export Association.
can help you to purchase a vehicle from 84 major auction houses, which offer 150,000 vehicles for sale per week.
will act on your behalf as your agent at a Japanese Licensed Dealer Car Auctions.
will handle the exporting procedures; document work, passing the vehicle through Japanese customs, and booking a space and loading the vehicle on a ship after you have purchased your vehicle at an auction. Our Comments & Observations:
We know little about this company besides coming across one past customer of theirs who was disappointed at the quality of the cars that he purchased from auction.
The disturbing part is that he alleges the odometer was rolled back (it doesn't mean they did it but they should have known). This company and any exporter has a duty to catch and verify the odometer has not been tampered with.
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